What's the damn deal?..This is ya boy K1llBill aka Lil Freaky. Just dropping some words and news bits for Sep 1. Well as you can see above, there is a JT link. The boy got off last night athe VMA's. The boy looked to be in prime form last night. The performance was on point. I definitely enjoy seeing great choreography. The boy had alot of Usher esk moves but they both tend to summon the spirits of Michael Jackson and Fred Astere. Yeah i said it. Its the truth! Great performance. I'm not going to really speak on the awards that were given, because we all know a panel is deciding who wins on prefrence and not sales or quality. Yeah i said that 2. lol...Anyways, B got off last night but the Black Catwoman outfit had me wanting to "Ring the Alarm" my damn self. The best thighs , legs , hocks (or whatever you wanna call'em) award winner hands down. Go Jay. I am not even mad atcha. In the immortal words of Uncle " Go B ..It's Ya Birthday!!!!" "Virgo ..It's ya Birthday!!!"....RING THE ALARM" Yes Siiirrrrrrrrrrr!!!

On the serious tip. I heard my boy "The Mighty Mos Def" was arrested last night before the show. They say he attempted to stage an impromtu peformance of "Katrina Clap", in an effort to shine some awarness on the government and their handling of the tragedy. Some are saying he didn't have the correct permits to perform. But these types of performances will never get the ok. So Mos Def keep doing the damn thang. Mos is one of those cats that can make me get my head nod on as well as school you in the same verse. Some MC's would kill for this ability.

What the hells with.....?
1. What the hell's with DMX singing "Lord Give Me A Sign"...when he's always getting arrested and his people are always begging him to get his shit togther. Brother the Lord has been giving you signs for a long damn time.
2. What the hell's with media acting suprised that Madden NFL is selling through the roof. *Newsflash* EA purchased all exclusive rights to damn near and organization that touches the pigskin. Football fans can't buy anything but Madden. It doesn't take Bill Gates to tell you that if you corner the market, you should sell copys. It's the drug dealer philosophy ...If you move the competition off the block.. You become the only supply. In the immortal words of Frank White " You guys got fat while everyone else starved!!!"
3. What the hells with the Black Eyed Peas winning best Hip Hop video on the VMA's ...hmmm....OK..........I don't think so...
4. What the hells with Chamillionaire winning best Rap video on the VMA's over T.I. , Busta , and 50 ....hmmmmmmm.....uhhhh...No!
5. What the hells with the Pussy Cat Dolls acting like they are a group... We all know they are one singer. UNO!......EINS!
6. What the hells with the woman that sits a section over from me, at work....that sneezes so loud ..it sounds like James Brown..."HAAAAACHOOOOO! GOOD GOD!!!!""""
7. What the hells with 50 Cent talking so damn slow that LL had already announced the winner like a month before Mr. Jackson could even finishing pronouncing her. LOL
8. What the hells with the US Basketball team losing to Greece...We'll never see another dream team...
9. What the hells with the plane skit from Conan Obrian on the Emmys .lol...way to close to 9/11 for that mess..
10. What the hells with the Burger King...Dude is hella spooky....
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